Varsity Baseball EA Jamboree
February 23, 2023
- Each matchup will consist of 4 innings.
- Each half inning will end after 3 outs or 8 runs, whichever happens first.
- Coaches are allowed to be on the field.
- Free substituting
1. General Requirements (MSHSAA By-Law 3.16.6)
a. Only senior high schools may participate in the jamboree.
b. The preseason jamboree shall consist of play against no less than two other schools and no more than three other schools.
c. The preseason jamboree must be under contract with participating schools.
d. The preseason jamboree shall be officiated by MSHSAA registered officials.
e. A jamboree may be conducted after your team has completed nine days of conditioning practices and before your first contest. Each participant shall have at least nine individual days of school physical conditioning practice prior to participating in the jamboree
f. All game rules shall apply with the exception that coaches may be on the field to provide instruction.
g. The admission charge shall be determined by the host school. There will be no admission charge.
2. Baseball Specific Requirements (Board Policy 23)
a. Additional game rule exceptions
i. Free substituting.
ii. Each half inning will end after three outs or eight runs, whichever comes first.
b. Three or Four-Team Format Only:
i. 3-School Format
1) Maximum of 4 innings against each opponent
2) Maximum of 8 innings for each school participating
ii. 4-School Format
1) Maximum of 3 innings against each opponent
2) Maximum of 9 innings for each school participating
iii. Time Limit: Prior to the date of the scrimmage, the schools may agree to implement a time limit per scrimmage. However, the scrimmage may not exceed the number of innings allowed, as described above.